Differentiating STPI and Non-STPI Registrations


If you're venturing into the IT and software export business in India, understanding the contrast between STPI and Non-STPI registration is essential. Each option carries distinct advantages, requirements, and compliance expectations. This guide will help break down these key differences to support a well-informed decision for your business.

What is STPI?

The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) is an independent society governed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Its primary goal is to stimulate software exports, providing multiple incentives to registered companies.

STPI Objectives

  1. Encouraging Software Exports: STPI aims to boost software and IT-enabled services (ITES) exports, including areas like Bio-IT.

  2. Regulatory Assistance: The society provides statutory services and facilitates businesses through the STP/EHTP scheme and other government-promoted programs.

  3. Data Communication Services: It delivers essential data communication and value-added services to support IT/ITES industries.

  4. MSME Support: It also fosters a nurturing environment for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to flourish within the IT sector.

Core Advantages of STPI Registration

  • Tax Relief: Companies operating under the STPI banner enjoy corporate income tax exemptions for a limited period.

  • Duty-Free Imports: Hardware and software imports are free from customs duties, including permission for second-hand capital goods.

  • Domestic Project Opportunities: Though primarily export-focused, STPI units can take on domestic projects, provided they meet the Minimum Export Performance standards.

Process to Become an STPI Unit

To register under STPI:

  1. Submit a formal application in the prescribed format.

  2. Include detailed project information such as expertise, marketing strategy, financial plans, and business structure.

  3. Upon approval, you must sign a legal agreement and obtain a Private Bonded Warehouse License from the Customs Department.

What is Non-STPI?

Non-STPI registration is designed for IT and ITES companies that don't fall under the STPI export-oriented scheme. However, these businesses are still required to follow certain regulatory guidelines, especially around Softex certification for software export transactions.

Key Non-STPI Registration Requirements

  • Softex Certification: This certification is mandatory for any company exporting IT/ITES services through data communication links. Failure to comply may result in the income being classified as general income, leading to tax complications.

  • Application Process: To register, companies need to submit an application form along with relevant documents and a processing fee to the jurisdictional STPI Director.

  • Letter of Permission (LoP): An LoP is granted for three years, and companies must renew it at least three months before expiration.

Benefits of Non-STPI Registration

  • Softex Compliance: Non-STPI registration allows companies to acquire Softex certification, which is essential for adhering to RBI regulations.

  • No Import Exemptions: Unlike STPI units, Non-STPI companies do not receive duty-free import benefits for hardware or software.

STPI vs. Non-STPI: Key Differences

Feature STPI Registration Non-STPI Registration
Target Audience Export-oriented IT and software service companies IT/ITES companies with minimal export focus
Tax Benefits Corporate income tax exemptions No tax exemptions
Import Benefits Duty-free import of IT-related goods No import benefits
Softex Certification Automatic with registration Requires separate application
Location Flexibility Can operate from anywhere in India Requires local jurisdictional approval
Compliance Requires a Private Bonded Warehouse License Needs LoP renewal and adherence to RBI guidelines


Your choice between STPI and Non-STPI registration hinges on your business model and objectives. STPI registration is highly beneficial for companies focused on exporting software services due to tax exemptions and duty-free imports. On the other hand, Non-STPI registration is critical for companies that aren’t primarily export-driven but still engage in IT/ITES services and need to comply with regulations like Softex certification.

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